"TEXT 1"="Show "Shut down and Power off" in Shut down dialog"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="This option, if enabled, gives you an option to shut down and power off your Windows NT system."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Please note that this option requires installed Power Management drivers from your computer/motherboard vendor to be installed. If these drivers are not installed and the option is activated, the only change is that the computer reboots when you select "Shut down"."
---"DESCRIPTION 1"="Activate "Show Shut down & Power off" if this option should be available if an user selectes to shut down the computer. Else it's only possible to shut down the computer and switch it manually off."
---"DESCRIPTION 3"="Some computers do not support the power off option properly under Windows NT. If your computer fails to shut down properly or automatically reboots when you enable this option, disable it in X-Setup the next time you boot the computer up."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"=" "
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to Alexander Khoroshev <aelric@atnet.ru> for the bug notice!"